No, this isn't an MTF rage rant. Nor is it an "FTMs have everything so much easier" rant. This is my honest reasons why I feel I'd be happier as an FTM. As much as I love stealing the TGD gag of "Maybe if I kill myself I'll come back cis" I'm happy being trans, it's just obnoxious being the short end of the stick.
#1. Having a way larger community. I mean, come on. 99% of my transfriends are FTM. There's a way larger FTM community than MTF. That's just obnoxious. I'm pretty much "one of the guys" with that stuff. Ironically. I mean, at least with cisgirls who are "one of the guys" in the cis community, you have the option of having those other cisgirls around to hang with. That opportunity doesn't arise for me. Luckily, my transboys are hot. So it's a consolation.
#2. I know way more about FTM issues than MTF. Like, I can get it better. There are things about myself where I'm like "Why do these situations even happen to me!?" There are a way different set of things to worry about, and I'm not saying that FTMs have less problems in transition, I'm just saying that FTMs don't get bitchy and dramatic about it and so the problems get solved sooner. (Even I'm guilty of being a bitch.)
#3. It's less conspicuous to see a pretty boy than a manly girl. Notice I didn't say easier to PASS. Just less conspicuous. Also, a short guy is less noticed than a tall girl. As such, people don't have as much time scrutinizing what they don't notice. I'd like to just be unnoticeable in society where I can live in peace.
So that's my story and I'm sticking to it. And again, I would never be cis for the world. Being trans is just too awesome, even if transitioning is a bitch. I would never be able to see the world the way I do. Makes me feel like I have something special :P. Sometimes, I don't like seeing that world though. Cause it makes me want to find out if you have to transition in the afterlife. I doubt it. I know I'll be myself and I'll be beautiful. God is kind and he knows why we are on this world and how special we are. We will have served our purpose and will be eternally happy<3 That's not me condoning suicide *evil glare* Just so we're clear.
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