Friday, February 4, 2011


I am flabbergasted. Yes, flabbergasted. Because my meeting took two minutes and look at this [stands up and shows off clothing] I was dressed up and I was so nice and then my meeting took two minute know what...

This was just like "Tell me what happened", I told what happened and he was like, "Okay". No questions. [incoherent babbling] ehwa Why? That was the most stressful two minute of my life [[HA yeah right.]]

Hmmm yeah so, now that it's done, it's like, well, besides the fact that I'm now unable to get into my dorm because I don't know where my card is. ["Blah"-like facial expression] Um... which is nothing unusual. Ummm, I don't have much else going on. It's like tomorrow I have work, and then I'm going to a play so I guess that would be like a little be de-stressor until I have to [...] get up the next day and get... less hours.

I'm only working for like, 9 hours this weekend. And so, 5 hours one day, and 4 hours the next day. that's not so bad as opposed to working 11 hours.


Now the only thing I have going for me today is [...] class. [Going on about the weird class].

I went on in the video to let everyone know the link for this and EGGNOG. Go watch the vid if you wanna hear what I have to say about EGGNOG.

And I'm cool with cis. Go see it to find out why.

I should probably gather up my library books from C/D before the expire. I took out a LOT.

My dad called as I was getting ready to leave. Good new Bad news. Bad news: There's no chance I can run across Jacob while I'm in Philly. Why? The good news is that my appointment for the Mazzoni Center is FEBRUARY 15th. Yes. In 11 days. Win.

Loggin off for now. But at least it's after awesome news :]

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